Sunday, June 17, 2012

cute video

Jett makes this duck lip face all of the time and I LOVE it!! He is so cute! I am so in love with him. As much as his screaming drives me crazy, I little bit want him to stay this age forever. He is just so funny and sweet and CUTE!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Most of the pictures from Disneyland are on Ben's phone. Instead of wait until they are on the computer I decided to just post some of the ones I had on my camera. So here is a little peek into our Disneyland trip. It was really fun! The kids loved it!! We can't wait to go back! If I ever get the rest of the pictures maybe I will write a little bit about it, but for right now it is just pictures.
The morning before we left. They were so excited!

Dutch loved meeting the characters! 

Jett LOVES Jessie but seeing her in person was a little overwhelming!

This boy was a trooper. His naps got so messed up but he was a happy boy most of the time.

Buzz charmed a smile out of Jett.

It was so fun to have Ben's parents with us!

Jackson was our guide.

Dutch loves everything princess!