Sunday, October 9, 2011


This summer we went to a family reunion in Idaho. Actually it was more like 3 family reunions. Every year in Fairfield, Idaho my mom's side of the family and my dad's side of the family have family reunions on the same weekend. I think every family that lives in that town has a family reunion on that weekend. It is the most exciting weekend in a very small, unexciting town. So many of my own family came that we did our own thing and had our own sort of family reunion. Fairfield is tiny and so are the events. On this same weekend they hold their county fair which includes a couple of bounce houses and a parade made up of family floats. They also close down the only paved road in town to have a street dance. As a teenager I thought that Fairfield was the least attractive place to be in the whole world. All I cared about was cute boys. And whenever I found a cute one he would end up being related to me in someway. So you can see how I felt like Fairfield had nothing to offer me. But now that I don't see my mom and my sisters nearly enough, this was the event of the year for me. It helps that I get to bring the hottest boy I've ever met with me. Gone are the days of crushing on boys that turned out to be my distant cousins. Now it's all about meeting new nieces and laughing with my family. It's about making new memories and reliving old ones. This was my dad's favorite place in the world. I want my husband and kids to be apart of this place. My kids loved it! They had a great time. They loved being with their cousins and grandma. We also went to Boise for a day. I had so much fun being with my family. 

Katie's babe Lydia with Grandma Jo
This pool was a hit

Jackson and his cousin Zack having a light saber fight
Blue eyed girls in blue towels

Dutch and Ava

Cute boys

It had been way too long since I had seen Katie

We talk on the phone almost everyday

Hayley and Jackson

My nieces Karlee and Whitney

My mom is always holding a baby whenever she can
Preferably the youngest
This is Kallie's baby Reese

Yummy ice cream beard and stach

My sister Erin

Kallie........always making a face

Sharing the love

Kallie's boy, Owen

My brother Dan came along for the ride
Apparently he takes after my Grandma Rena