Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Big Boy

Jackson turned 6! His birthday was actually a few months ago. I didn't post it because I was waiting for someone to email me pictures from the party. Still no pictures but that's okay. If I ever get them I will add them because he had a pretty cool party. So here are some pics of him having breakfast in bed the morning of his actual birthday before I lost/refound my camera. He was so excited! My kids love the breakfast in bed thing. They also get one present in bed. He got a whole set of power rangers with crazy animal vehicles to match. Ben had them from way back when and had never opened them. Sometimes it pays to have a super nerd for a husband. 

He also just started first grade. We was super excited to start school again! I actually wasn't very emotional about it. I had my breakdowns when preschool started and when kindergarten ended. Those were both extremely hard for me. But first grade I was ready for because he was so ready. 

first day of first grade

Jackson is such a great kid! I love him so much. He is just so happy and easy to please. And the kid is just so dang smart. He is a GREAT reader! And he is so full of smart questions and witty things to say.

favorite food - mac and cheese
favorite color - red 
favorite movie - harry potter and the chamber of secrets
favorite book - meet ash (pokemon)
favorite thing to do - open presents

I was just quizzing him and these were his answers. I loved the open presents one. I love that too! Who doesn't right?  I do have a rule for my kids that they have to read the Harry Potter books before they can watch the movies. So Ben spent the summer reading  Jackson books 1 and 2. He just saw the second movie for the first time and loved it. Some parts made him super nervous but overall he thought it was great. It's fun to see him compare the way he imagined it to the movies. He will proclaim that someone doesn't look right or that the movie skipped something. It's fun. He knows so much about Harry Potter it is crazy! It makes me happy :) He tells me all of the time that he is "kinda a fan of Harry Potter now." He is just such a cool kid!