Monday, July 18, 2011

After Dinner Bath

Hey, it's Ben. Amy and I thought the ol' www would get a kick out of this video:

From the first time he hears the word "bath" you can see him perk up.  It's funny, because just three months ago, a bathtub was worse than the gas chamber to this kid.  Now it's his favorite place to be.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

I am a sucky blogger.......sorry everybody

 I don't really know why I suck so bad. It's not like I never take time to sit down at the computer. Because I do. I spend way to much time sitting here and looking at other peoples blogs and dream shopping (Ya know looking at stuff and houses that I don't intend to buy anytime in the near or not so near future.) But when it comes to blogging I always feel like I need to catch up. And then it gets so far away from me that I don't know where to begin. All the boys in my little family have had their birthdays since I last blogged. And I only have pictures of Jett's birthday on my camera because I miss-placed it for awhile. So I  had others take pictures of Jackson's birthday and don't have access to them yet. I can't post about Jett until I post about Jackson who's birthday is two days earlier. But I can't move on and post about something else because this was Jett's FIRST birthday. And then there is Ben's birthday and the family reunion and blah blah blah blah blah. You know. So therefor I suck. I can't promise that I will get any better. I would like to. I did just find my camera so that is something. But I have not uploaded any birthday pics so I am just going to post some oldies that I like just to keep things interesting.
We often all sit together in this chair so we decided to have a photo shoot.
Jackson did karate for a month and it was sooooo dang cute.

Eating a nice healthy snack after licking the cookie dough beaters.

Arm wrestling.

Jett before his cute new haircut.

This is what a day at the park looks like with my fam.

I just love this one!