Thursday, April 14, 2011

a little bit of sunshine

So I am totally a blog stalker! I admit that a couple of my daily blog checks are people that I have never come in contact with. Blogs are crazy! I feel like I know and am friends with people that I have never met. One of the girls that I blog stalk has super great style. Which is one of the reasons I can't stay away from her blog. To me, her house looks like sunshine. It's bright and beautiful. Now Ben pointed out that having a nice camera and living where the sun is actually shining most of the time helps. And I know that. But my style has changed and I have been waiting for an opportunity to decorate my house with a little bit of sunshine. I recently had a chance to do a mini makeover on my living room. I love it! It makes me so happy! And now that the sun is actually shining outside it's even better. 

Dutch's piggy bank was my color inspiration. I am really in love with  light, bright colors and white!
I painted most of my picture frames white and put up a painting( I actually made it for my room but it wasn't up yet so into the living room it went). I practiced this on the ground sooooo many times and took pictures of it until I got it just right. I just couldn't bring myself to really be random even though that is the look.

I got a new green pillow for my couch to go with my existing blue ones. I also got a new lamp. Someday I'll get a new, beautiful, white couch, but for now I've got to work with what I've got.  I also plan on painting my side table white.

My new $20 Ikea rug. It's right in front of my couch but I didn't get a picture of it  incorporated into the room. Oops!

Last but not least is my new Ikea TV stand. I absolutely love this.  I got the baskets at the bottom from Ikea. The blue ones were on clearance at Walmart. The little decorations like the orange vase and the green pillow came from TJ Max. Even though there are a lot more things that I would like to do, my house just feels much more welcoming! It makes me super happy!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


(Jackson doing his version of the robot. It gets serious after his singing)

We really dance party it up in my house all of the time. The kids love to listen to the Tarzan sound track over and over again and dance there little hearts out. I love how there styles of dance change with each song they here. Anyway, I got super sick of Tarzan and put in a random mix of Ben's. For some reason Bootylicious really inspired Jackson to do the robot. I guess he thought that singing along would be fun even though he had never heard the song before. He's a pretty fun kid!

My favorite Jackson quote.... 
"Mom this parmesan cheese is the weirdest salt I have ever tasted!"

Friday, April 1, 2011

Little Miss has turned into a poser

Obviously she had no idea the camera was set to video. 

 I have no idea where she learned the peace sign from.

 All of the ones of her in my room she is looking in the mirror.