Thursday, March 31, 2011


Too many kids, not enough husband! :) Just saying. 
 These outtakes are a little more realistic then the all together family pictures on the side. I la la love my kids so much , but it would be nice to love them one on one occasionally. And I miss my husband. He's a pretty great one and I don't see him nearly enough. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I'll go ahead and call it a blessing

In about one month I get to go on a vacation with JUST my husband. Four whole days and three nights without my kids. I can't even imagine. I am soooooo excited!!!!!!!!!! This has never really happened before. I have three kids in a two bedroom apartment, no washer and dryer, and a husband who works FULL time, and goes to school FULL time. I NEED A VACATION!!!! So does Ben.  The only reason this is even possible right now is because Ben won $5000 in a raffle at work(of course only some of it can go towards a vacation). Thank you to Ben's work for being AWESOME employers!!!! And thanks to our brother and sister for being willing to watch our kids. I seriously cannot even express how excited I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
So I have new swimsuits, new sunglasses, and a new BIG floppy hat. Las Vegas here we come! Don't worry...... I will post ALL about it after we go. Oh and if anyone has suggestions about where to eat and what to  see, let me know. YAY!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

New to me and smart on my part

 I have discovered some things that make my life just a little sweeter. Most of you probably have known about these for years but I have just figured it out. Sorry no pictures, just me rambling.

The first is SUSHI. This is my new love. Not just sushi but also anything tempura fried. YUM YUM YUM!!!!!! The first time I tried sushi I spit it out. That sushi was from Costco. I don't recommend it. Years later I had a friend introduce me to the real stuff. I love that friend. Now it is the only thing that no matter what mood I am in I want it and it never disappoints. So I have never been addicted to anything and I know that I am not addicted to this, but it relaxes me the way I imagine a cigarette would a smoker. I know I sound CRAZY, but hey we all knew that I was a little crazy. For example I was super mad at Ben for something having to do with school (pretty much the only reason I ever get that mad at my husband) and I stormed out. I went to Target which is my fav free place to go. I called my sister Kallie which is funny because she lived with me at the time and witnessed the whole thing. Anyways I decided she had to meet me for sushi so I could spend money that I don't have and treat myself to something delicious. The second the sushi was in my mouth my whole body just relaxed. It was insane. I am so sad that good sushi is not more attainable. You can't just buy it like a bag of chips and have it around for your eating pleasure. At least its an extra special treat when I do get to go out! p.s. Have you ever tried the surf and turf roll? It's the best!!!!

Skinny jeans and boots. I consider myself a pretty stylish person, but it took me a looooong time to really accept skinny jeans. After they were back for awhile I finally could say that skinny jeans were stylish on others, but they were just not for me. My thigh to calf ratio really discouraged me from the shape of the skinny jean. A couple of years ago I bought a pair of ugg style boots (which I also rejected for a long time)  and they look much better over jeans then they do under. So I would work really hard to shove my regular jeans down inside my boots and they still didn't look great. Finally less then a year ago I got my first pair of skinny jeans. Now the skinny jeans, boot combo is as easy and casual as throwing on flip fops, but it is much cuter! I just bought my first pair of cute fancy boots to wear over my second, more bold, skinnier then the first, skinny jeans. And I feel super cute!!! I have also gone as bold as to wear my skinny jeans with flats......that time I didn't feel so cute, but I will get there.

Hummus. Love it! I am not much of a breakfast or lunch eater. I am lazy and easy food just doesn't taste that good. So I usually don't eat until close to dinner and then I snack into the night. Not great eating habits, I know. But hummus on a warm pita is delicious, easy, and good for me. I now enjoy it for lunch all of the time. I am thankful for hummus!

The gym. I have never loved working out probably because it is torturous. But a couple of years ago I had a neighbor who worked out all of the time. She would drop her kids off at the gym daycare and work out kid free. So even though working out didn't sound appealing, dropping my kids off for a half an hour a day sounded very appealing. Now you need to understand that my husband works FULL time and goes to school FULL time and breaks are pretty much non existent for me. So I got a smoking deal on a 3 year, paid up front, VIP(free daycare for as many kids as I have) gym membership. At first I worked out all of the time. I actually started to feel the positive effects of running and lifting. I liked it. This is a huge step for me. But then I got pregnant and now I have a nine month old who would definitely not tolerate being put in daycare. So I have 1 year left on my membership and as of right now it is going unused. Sad. But I plan on figuring it out and getting back to the gym. Because being healthy feels good and getting a break feels even better!

Ok, now to the smart on my part. My kids beg for food all day long. They are well fed kids who act like they are starving to death. They want a treat and if not a treat then mom can we please have a healthy snack. ALL DAY LONG. Since having kids I have had a hard time keeping up on my scripture reading. Seems unrelated to the story but is now very related. I have combined snack time with scripture reading. So now instead of asking for snacks my kids beg to read scriptures because they know that is the way to the food. They bring me the scriptures and pressure me into it. Even if I feel like I don't have time or I say not right now they are pushy little kids that won't stop. So now scriptures get read and with there little mouths full of snacks the kids are quiet little listeners. Smart right?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Funny Girl

I had this conversation with the girl yesterday......
Dutch-"Mom I have a booger."
me-"Oh you do?"
Dutch-"Yeah it's already in my mouth."
me-"Yuck, Dutch don't put boogers in your mouth that is so gross!!!!"
Dutch-"Yeah, don't tell my mom."

Just one more fun one from the girl. I have been calling her beauty just because I think she is soooo pretty. Sometimes she is accepting of the nickname and sometimes it makes her mad. One night when I put her to bed I said, "Good night beauty." And she replied, "Good night beast."

Okay one more cute thing. She calls ponytails "hairtails." She always has, and now I do too. It just makes more sense!

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Jett man. Jett was my smallest baby by far weighing in at 7lbs 4oz. It was a quick and easy birth and he has been a super easy babe ever since. He is soooo sweet and happy. The older he gets the funnier he gets. He has a great sense of humor! He is a huge mommas boy. He still prefers me to Ben which is amazing. He is nine months old and he still loves to snuggle. Even though he is a little cuddle bug he is also one determined babe and will claw his way wherever he wants to go. He could climb well before he could crawl. And he is now pulling himself to standing all day long. We all love him so much!!!!! He is such a JOY!

Little Miss Dutch has been giving me a run for my money ever since she turned one. She was the easiest baby ever and then she somehow hit her terrible twos at one and is still going strong at three. This one tests my patience like no other. She eats anything and everything besides food(pencil erasers, marker tips, bracelets, the list goes on). She makes bigger messes then I could ever imagine. She has been able to take down Jackson since before she turned two. She is headstrong and smart! Her sweet moments are the SWEETEST. She is soooo beautiful and entertaining. Its funny because she is a little bit of a tomboy but a girly girl at the same time. I love her so much. She is everything that I hoped she would be. Sometimes I wish that she would just calm down but then I remember that she is Dutch and this is who she is. And I love it!!!!

Jackson has always had a special spirit about him. He has always been the sweetest kid. He is very loving and accepting of everyone. I say Dutch hit he terrible twos at one, well Jackson didn't hit them till he was three and they only lasted a couple of months. He has always had a lot of curious energy but he was never really a limit pusher. He is a GREAT big brother. He is helpful and good at catering to his younger siblings. He makes Jett laugh like no other with his silly dances, faces, and noises. Jackson is a super smart kid. He is now in kindergarten. He is doing great and loves it! I love this kid so much. He is so fun and cool. Five is a great age because they can just hang out and chit chat. He is reading over my shoulder right now. He won't leave me alone. He thinks this is soooo funny.